
SDK downloads

Azure libraries for .NET are implemented as NuGet packages. See the API Reference for reference documentation organized by Azure service.

Development tools

To install.NET Core SDK, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell. Run choco download dotnetcore-sdk -internalize -source=https. Lightweight and modular platform for creating web applications and services that run on Windows, Linux and Mac. The SDK includes the runtime and command line tools for creating. Official.NET Core downloads for Linux, macOS, and Windows.NET Core is a cross-platform version of.NET, for building apps that run on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Visual Studio has tooling for many Azure services built-in. Some Azure services have additional tools or emulators available, such as Azure Storage Explorer. See the documentation for your Azure service for any additional tools, if necessary.

Select your preferred development environment below.

Visual Studio version 2017 and later have built-in support for Azure development. The below steps describe enabling Azure development support in Visual Studio.

For Visual Studio 2015 and earlier, follow these instructions.

Step 1: Download Visual Studio 2019

You can skip this step if you already have Visual Studio 2019 installed.

Step 2: Install the two Azure workloads

In the Visual Studio installer, install Visual Studio (or modify an existing installation). Make sure the Azure development and ASP.NET and web development workloads are selected.

Step 3: Develop with .NET on Azure

Net core sdk 2 2 download

Get started by deploying your first ASP.NET Core web app on Azure App Service.

Visual Studio Code has everything you need for cross-platform Azure development.

Step 1: Download the .NET Core SDK

The SDK and command-line tools for .NET Core apps.

Step 2: Visual Studio Code

Edit and debug .NET Core apps on any operating system: Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Step 3: Azure Tools extension

Install the Azure Tools extension in Visual Studio Code.

Step 4: Develop with .NET on Azure

Get started by deploying your first ASP.NET Core web app on Azure App Service on Linux.


The following table describes the versions of .NET Core supported by the stable and preview versions of Visual Studio for Mac:

Download net core sdk for mac download
.NET Core SDK VersionVisual Studio for Mac 8.1Visual Studio for Mac 8.2Visual Studio for Mac 8.3Visual Studio for Mac 8.4Visual Studio for Mac 8.5Visual Studio for Mac 8.6
v2.1.0 - v2.1.5xx
v2.1.600 +✔︎✔︎✔︎✔︎✔︎✔︎
v2.2.1 - v2.2.1xx
v2.2.200 +✔︎✔︎✔︎✔︎✔︎✔︎
v5.0 (preview)✔︎



Preview versions of the .NET Core SDK are not supported; please update to the released version. When installing Visual Studio for Mac 8.4, the released version of .NET Core v3.1 will be installed.


If you were previously using .NET Core v2.2.1xx with Visual Studio for Mac 8.0, you'll need to manually update to a supported version of .NET Core, as listed in the table above. We recommend either 2.1.700 or 2.2.300

Download Net Core Sdk For Mac Os

  • .NET Core v3.1 is installed by default for 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6.
  • .NET Core v3.0 is installed by default for 8.3.
  • .NET Core v2.1.701 (v2.1.700 for 8.1) is installed by default with the installer.
  • To download any other version of .NET Core, visit the dotnet page.
  • When using .NET Core 3.0, C# version 8 will be used by default. C# 7.3 is default when using .NET Core 2.x. See C# language versioning for more info.
  • For information on installing a preview version of Visual Studio for Mac, see the Install a Preview Release guide.