Mar 8, 2010 7:00 AM
How to download a pricelist in Xactimate by WardlawClaimsService. Xactimate Xpert Tips: How to See and Estimate the Room Below the Stairs by Xactware. However, with the release of version 28, which Xactware calls 'multi platform', it looks like they may be inching closer to full Mac functionality one day in the future. The goods news is that you can use one of several Xactimate apps on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. The apps are free to download. However, with the release of version 28, which Xactware calls 'multi platform', it looks like they may be inching closer to full Mac functionality one day in the future. The goods news is that you can use one of several Xactimate apps on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. The apps are free to download at the Apple app store.